Our washroom deep cleaning service thoroughly cleans and sanitises your washroom with specialist cleaning chemicals, ensuring all dirt and grime that harbours bacteria is removed.
We live in a world where the cleanliness of your washroom is a reflection on your company image. A poor standard of hygiene or lack of washroom services can have a negative impact on both your customers and employees. The majority of bacteria and germs are unaffected by everyday cleaning methods which is why we recommend that you keep your washroom smelling clean by carrying out regular Washroom Deep Cleans.
Some of the advantages this will offer are;
- Ensuring your washroom is clean at all times
- Elimination of odours
- Killing all germs and bacteria
- Reduces daily cleaning
In addition to keeping your washroom clean and fresh daily, we can offer many services that will enhance the washroom environment.
- Feminine hygiene disposal units
- Air care and Ozone units
- Water ltration and sanitiser systems
- Toilet Seat Santisers
- Hand drying systems
These services will ensure that your washroom never lets you down again.
Having worked with Allpro Services since 2011 we have found them to be highly innovative, excellent problem solvers and having a strong emphasis on training and efficiency that when we re-tendered we included many additional services such as consumable supply and washroom services. They provide their service to a very busy National Park (with over 10 ancillary sites) and Historic House throughout the year allowing us to concentrate on our core business. It gives me peace of mind knowing that if a problem arises they will be able to provide round the clock support.
Working in education can be very rewarding but demanding and it is vital that when we allocate responsibility to a service provider they carry out their duties in a reliable, punctual and safe manner, we have found this to be the case with Allpro Services who clean the majority of North Tipperary VEC Schools on a daily basis and carry out Industrial work over the holidays periods. We would especially note their willingness to adjust all services and requests to facilitate the individual requirements of each school and its management.
Allpro Services have been with us since the beginning as they provided an after-builders service to the contractors who built our County Hall and successfully tendered for the Contract Cleaning and Consumable Supply thereafter. Working with them is hassle free, they really do an excellent job of managing their services so I can get along with my other responsibilities. I cannot recommend them enough if you want a high quality service and well managed service.